Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Project 2- Vector based Environmental Portraffffit Seder Burns
UT Fall 2010
ART 2150

October 26-Presentation of the assignment. Examples of vector portraits and student examples.

October 28-I want you to have a clear idea as to what you are going to do for this assignment. You should take the photo of the person and environment you want to place him/her in. I want you to bring a sketch of what you anticipate your final image will look like when completed. I expect you to spend at least one hour on this. This is not optional.
Presentation on the Gradient Mesh tool.

November 1- Must have your photo that you will use as the foundation of your vector portrait. Time will be allowed for working on the project in class.

November 4- Lecture/Demo for half of class time. Remainder will be work time.

November 9- Initial In Process Critique. This is to make sure you are on the right track and gain the benefit from group feedback on your progress.

November 16- Final image due. Critique.

November 23- Print is due. Print should not be smaller than 16x20.

Expanding on your experience with vector tools in the map exercise, you will create an environmental portrait. An environmental portrait is one in which you place the person in an environment which adds to the viewers’ understanding of the person depicted. You can make up the background if you want or use reference materials to create it. You may find it easier to begin with a photo of the person and different photo of a background (or multiple photos for that matter).

We will discuss Pop Art and Neo Pop Art. The biggest thing I want you to get out that discussion is that style is not divorced from content and in fact, style often is the content (or at least significant to the content). I have included many links to pop and neo pop artists. I am not encouraging you to simply chimp their style. I want you to be inspired and to ask yourself how their style contributes to the significance of their work.

I have also included a number of links to stuff about A Scanner Darkly. The one tutorial is especially valuable even if you don't want to create a style anything like that of the film. It also demonstrates the utility of the pencil tool. You should all begin by following that tutorial. It will save you a lot of time and frustration by doing so. Even though goes through how to create this style step by step, I guarantee you will all end up with a very different looking image even if you were trying to create the same look.

I would love nothing more than if you all create work in a wholly unique style. Just because something is vector art based doesn't mean it has to look a certain way just as all paintings don't look the same. Try to take the work in your own direction. Take the time to consider how the style adds to or detracts from the portrait and what you want to convey.

I don’t want anything that looks like a cartoon. For this reason, nothing is to have an outline. The finished pieces should look much like a fine drawing or painting.

Technical Notes:
The better the photo, the easier it will be to make a vector illustration based on it. Thus, you need a relitively sharp, hight resolution file for this. An image pulled from Facebook will simply not work. You need to take your own photos for this project. The portrait needs to have been taken expressly for this assignment; no exceptions, please don't ask.
The finished image is to be composed solely of vectors. There is to no raster imagery in the final piece. The finished file should be a relatively very small .AI file. While we used Illustrator for the map assignment, as it is the most widely used vector based illustration program at the moment, you can use any vector program to complete this assignment. Everything you learned so far could be applied to other vector programs such as Flash or Inkscape.
Your image should be at least 16x20. As demonstrated in class, I suggest you take the time to set the colorspace to RGB (Adobe RGB to be specific) and the rasterization option to 300ppi when creating your file. This essentially becomes the defaults if you were to rasterize the image. Be sure to embed the linked raster files when you save. You will turn in copy of the file without the raster graphics. Your grade will be based on your print as well as the quality of your finished file.
You are not allowed to use Live Trace. Trust me, I will know if you use it.
You should expect to spend at least 20 hours creating the vectors. That is the very bare minimum. You cannot “fake” or "rush" this assignment. There are no shortcuts. The time required depends largely on the style that you find yourself working in and the complexity of the image envisioned. Many students spend 40+ hours on this project. Needless to say, you will have to work on this project outside of class.


A Scanner Darkly links

Trailer for the film-you can movie frame by frame to see details

New York Times review with a link on the left to the audio slideshow I played in class

Interview with lead animator

A How to Illustrator Tutorial

very similar, even written by the same guy

Another movie made the same way with same vector software

A TV series based on a comic book series made with vector rotoscoping in Flash

Opensource options for similar look

Interesting article about the movie and animation process

Homestar Runner
Popular Internet flash animation series (began 2000, popularity peaked around 2006)

Waltz with Bashir links

Interview about the creators of the film about the animation process

Official website

More about the process

More about the process

Short video on the making of..

Alex Katz- a painter, but he paints with a very flat style which could be replicated in Illustrator

Tutorial on how to create vector art in Photoshop, can be applied to Illustrator

Pop Art

Wikipedia summary of Abstract Expressionism to which many feel Pop Art was a response to

Wikipedia summary of Pop Art

Lichtenstein Foundation

Tutorial on how to how to create art in the style of Roy Lichtenstein, it is designed for Photoshop, but you could do the same thing in Illustrator

Neo-Pop Artists

Good article on Japanese Neo Pop

Another good article on Japanese Neo Pop

Takashi Murakami

Good introductory video on Takashi Murakami

High quality videos narrated by the artist himself

Takashi Murakami's “art production company”

Wikipedia article on Takashi Murakami

Yoshito Monara

Art inspired by Comic Books

A Fine Art Exhibit of work inspired by comics

Inka Essenhigh

Preparation for next project:
Paint/Illustration program for Nintendo DS and iphone/ipod touch

Helpful Tutorials

Basics of brushes- explains Fidelity and Smoothness, different brush types, etc.


Examples of very realistic Illustrator images

Movie poster vector art

Technically talented Illustrators

Kevin Hulsey

Learning to use Illustrator Gradient Mesh tool

How to use Illustrator Gradient Mesh tool

Great tutorial on using the Gradient Mesh tool to create a portrait

Sample portraits created in Illustrator

Importance of Layers

How to create gradients

32 tutorials on using gradients

Tutorial on Gum Ball Machine using Gradient Mesh tool

How to apply gradients to strokes and text

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